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The performance of the stock market depends on so many factors. There are some factors that are directly related to the business and economic scenario of the country and there are some factors that are remotely associated with stocks market. So there are so many reasons that control the performance of the stocks market including the overall situation of the economy of the country, political scenario of the country and so many other factors. Then of course the stock price of a certain company depends directly on the performance of the business and industry. So it is quite obvious that all these factors need be positive for a stock market to stay positive.

It is often seen that the stock market goes through different phases and trends from time to time. Some time it is the bull phase, sometime it is the bearish phase and then there are correction phase and steady stock market. As a stock market investor you have to realize that all these phases come and go in a periodic manner depending on various factors that affect the stock market. No phase whether it is the positive market or the negative market is here to stay fro ever. When a market is in the bull phase and the buyers’ confidence is at the highest level, everything seems alright but then that market is not going to rise for ever, there will certainly be a correction phase and the market will also see the down turn.

Likewise the bear market or the negative market is not going to stay like that for ever. This is the primary thing that you need to understand to stay positive and focused in the negative market. Generally in a negative market the buyers get panicked and sell the stocks at random to save some of their investment. This act of hurry and panic further take the market down as the demand for stock during the down phase is very low. But a wise investor will wait for the right time to sell the stocks and make some good investment during the bad times as well.

But to invest in the negative or bear market you have to be a little more calculative and cautious. You should not get panic and listen to the rumors of the market. You have to stay focused and keep watch on the stocks that you have targeted. Remember this is the best time to invest in the blue chip stocks that are available at lower price and these are the stocks that will give you good returns when the market swings.


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