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Turmoil continues in Delhi over gang rape issue
The brutal gang rape of the 23-year old medical student in Delhi on December 16 has seen protests all over the country with the epicenter of the demonstration in the state capital. The nation is in uproar and is demanding the country’s government and police department for answers.
In a recent turn of events, the constable who was injured while chasing protestors at the India gate, as succumbed to his injuries. Subhash Tomar, who was allegedly attacked by the protestors died due to cardiac arrest caused by injuries during the attack, hospital reports claim. A controversy of all sorts is surrounding the death of the policeman, as the post mortem report shows contradiction to what Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital Medical Superintendent Dr T S Sidhu stated earlier that he is infact suffering from no major external injury, in exception to a few cuts and bruises. New eye-witness reports also state that the constable was not attacked by the crowd. Also, 8 individuals have been charged responsible for the death of subhash tomar. It is still unclear as to what exactly went down on that day, as different stories emerge.
Delhi government comes under scrutiny
All these development raise eye-brows at the competency of the Delhi police in controlling mobs and agitators. The Delhi police commissioner, Neeraj Kumar is facing a lot of heat, as the public is demanding for some serious action against him and the police department. However, the finance minister, P. Chidambaram on Wednesday stated that, there is no intention of axing the Neeraj Kumar at the moment. He went on to say that it would be inappropriate to dismiss him at this point of time. The finance minister also said that there is a need to revise the standard operation procedures on how to deal with mobs and protests, as many of them include young women.
The recent clash of the police and the protestors at the India Gate has caused the government to issue prohibitory orders which does not allow a gathering of more than five people at a spot. The protestors since the incident have promised that only peaceful protesting shall continue with no violence. They have planned that their march will commence from Nizamuddin, and continue to India Gate. The protesters aim to keep their movement alive and keep pressing the government for stronger laws and much stricter action against rapists.
The city has been in a state of unrest since the incident emerged. Roads have been shut down, along with the metro stations around the city. The police have been facing difficulties trying to deal with large masses of agitators as well as trying to help daily commuters.
It was announced yesterday by the Centre that a commission of inquiry has been initiated, and to be headed by a woman judge to review the issue and identify all the lapses in the case. It will also deal with the issue of coming up with better measures to protect the women of the country.
The situation was reviewed on Tuesday, by the congress core group. The meeting was held for over two and half hours at the prime minister, Man Mohan Singh’s residence. The meeting was attended by Sonia Gandhi, president of the congress, P. Chidambaram and political secretary Ahmed Patel.
Latest incident sheds new light on the Delhi police efficiency
In another chilling incident, a woman has been gang-raped in a car and dumped in Kalkaji. The woman, who hails from Jaipur, was reportedly raped in Vrindavan and her body was lying on the road in South Delhi, until a passerby noticed and called the authorities. This new report clearly shows the lack of strong anti-rape laws in the country. Amidst such heat surrounding the issue, the emergence of another case just shows how weak the laws of the country are, and such criminals are not at all afraid of facing the police.
Entire country prays for “Amanat” and her soul to rest in peace
The 23 year old girl, whose being named Amanat, has been flown to Singapore, according to latest reports, to receive further treatment. She is being kept at Mount Elizabeth hospital, which is known for its specialty in multi-organ transplant. Authorities have requested to maintain privacy of the patient and the family.
With all the hue and cry done, Amanat’s soul rested in peace on Dec 28, 2012. Mourning her death, the entire nation is more agitated and claims have been made that the offenders should be subject to a murder trial and justice be granted to Amanat well on time. “What will the government propose?” is the biggest question lurking our minds, and hopefully, the trial should be a standing evidence for those who commit such heinous crimes against women.
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