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We have all come across the term stock market a number of times in our day to day life. These stock markets are, as we all know, are generally referred to as those places where the securities, i.e., in other words the stocks, shares, debentures, bonds, stock options, etc are traded. Every company needs to be, at first enlisted in any one of the stock exchanges, before they issue, any shares to the public for their subscription. In other words, if the companies wishes or desires to issue shares to the public, so as to enable the public to subscribe for the share of the respective companies, the companies are required to be listed in the stock exchanges at first. Thus, these stock exchanges can be said to be the places, which provides the companies, ample opportunities to raise money or finance for their company by way of subscription. However, investing in the stock exchanges is not a child’s play. You do not just require good knowledge about the share market but also at the same time need years of experience to be successful in the online stock market. As such, it becomes very necessary for you to learn the tips or guidelines that will help you learn how stock market trading can be prove rewarding.

It is just as if you are hitting an arrow in the blind:
We all have invested some amount of our money in the stock market, which is also referred by some, as the share market. However, what is the use of investing in the stock market if you do not know about the shares and stocks? It is just as if you are hitting an arrow in the blind but this type of an attitude is not at all acceptable in a stock market. You should be aware of what you are doing and more importantly, why you are doing. This statement does not just hold good in terms of the stock market or share market but also in terms of your other activities that you undertake in your day-to-day life as well.

Investment should not be regarded as a trend:
Many a times we come across people who have invested in the share market or stock market simply because they have friends who have invested in the share market and they too wanted to follow this so called ‘investment trend’. On the contrary, investment should not be regarded as a trend. Investment as a trend is a completely wide off the mark concept. There is no denying of the fact that in present times the investment field is blooming and is gaining ground. Nevertheless, this belief cannot make you overlook the fact that investments always existed, only that people have become aware of it recently

Investing money in the stock market is not a child’s play:
Again, we also find people who invest their hard earned money in the stock market (or share market) only because they have been advised to do so by some person who may be their relatives, friends, and acquaintances, etc. Without even thinking twice about the possible consequences, there are people who leap into it. But the question is what for? For money, for status, or to ensure that you are outcaste by your friends? But, do you even realize that by doing so you are putting your money at tremendous risk. Investing money in the stock market is not a child’s play. It is not as easy as it seems. It requires years of experience and expertise knowledge like BSE.

Not all that glitters is gold:
You have to study the market well before investing in it. Investing in stock market is like a gamble. Just as you win, you can lose too. There is no certainty about the market situation as it keeps fluctuating and as such, it is difficult to forecast. No body can correctly predict when the market will be up and when it goes down again. You must have all heard the saying that not all that glitters is gold. Similar is the case with the stock markets also. Thus, now you know how stock market trading can be prove rewarding.

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