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As you know at different points of time, stock market goes through different phases. Sometimes the market is bearish and sometimes it is bullish. So, it is very important to make the stock market trend analysis. There are different methods that are used by the expert in order to predict the trend of the stock market. So let us see the different methods of making the analysis of the stock market trend.
Technical Analysis
Technical analysis is one of the methods used for predicting the stock market trend. The technical analysis is done by collecting the data from the market. Experts get some information they get from the market and they post these data in order to make a graphical representation of the price of the stock. They then predict the future behavior of the market from the graph pattern that they get. This is normally done in the Indian stock market.
Direction of the market
There is also some other analysis that is used by the expert in order to determine, stock market trend. They predict with the help of the direction of the market. If they notice that the overall market is rising up, then the stock prices are ready to grow. On the hand, if there is a bearish market, then the price of the stock will reduce. In order to determine whether the market is going through a bullish trend or bearish trend, you need to know whether the market is having more buyers or more sellers. Suppose you come to know that there happens to be more sellers than buyers, then the market is going through a bearish trend. In order to know this, you have to keep a close watch on the stock price and also on the volume of the stock. You should get a closer view on NSE, NASDAQ…etc so that you can understand how a stock market functions.
When you notice that the price of the market is up and also the volume of the trading is quite high, then you can predict that it is a bullish market. Remember to read about BSE so that you can know its functions in the market. So, it is better to make stock market trend analysis in order to be successful in your investment in shares and stocks.
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