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Caring for your money in the stock market
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There are different rules for caring for your money in the stock market. Financial institutions promises, but do not hold them. Did you know that the law requires most mutual funds; hedge funds will remain 100% invested in? Not? Not many people. So, even if they see a prolonged fall in the market cannot do anything on the horizon, but perhaps conjure some of the shares to buy stocks they think through at least. We need to come down to what you can do to make your investment's future.
Manage your money
It is very easy to do. I hear "I cannot do it" too difficult to pick up stocks... "Listen to me. A child 10 years a good money management rules cannot win on the stock market. It is so easy. The most important thing is to do the basics well. You should be able to identify the most important stock market cycles and trends with them. Got it? Do not wait. There is no upper or fishing. Do not gamble. No opinion. Close your ears and just go with the flow. To buy shares in the bull market leaders and Learn to keep your cash or short stocks in a bear market. Keep it simple. Take a small risk of each stock exchange trading, and I guarantee you free your hands, so less stress you will be amazed. You start with a big "bets" and see how the stress. Do not play on savings. Do not believe everything he says. Follow my simple rules for determining whether we are on the market and stick to it until it changes. There are so many "gurus" who likes to talk about what they "think" the stock market, or do in the future. But I would say about 99% of the time one of about 90% of the time. This is a complete farce. They often have a secret agenda. Politicians, bankers, brokers will always try to paint a rosy picture than it actually is.
Keep the faith
Throughout history we have lived through the life cycle of both. Just when everyone thought it different this time. Wham. The market shows no. I guarantee you get out of this cycle. Most people, when they say the share market is scary, because they have seen too many people are on the stock market, and this is true. 97% is not the market, and 3% succeed in the marketplace. The reason is that 3% is literate, so all of this means that the educated people have started to worry about. We'll put this simply. For example, if you have an investment property if you lease the right, and you should get a monthly income. The same applies to the stock market, but most people do not realize that you can do this. Yes, you can buy shares, and rent them monthly fees. His call is a call, or the easiest way is to share the rent. So let's see how the strategy works. For example, if you buy XYZ stock $ 15.00 and the tenant will pay $ 1.20 a month. This means that you have just purchased the equipment at wholesale prices. Now, for example, if the stock moves down to $ 14.50, you have a loss?
No, the tie is $ 13.80, because you have received this award for rent in advance. Tenants who rent from us crashing, but we do not care, because we have monthly fees for that month. Fluctuate throughout the month, so that we can continue to receive monthly rental income. If you sell a stock when it is down, then we have a physical handicap. But at this stage, where it is, because we just continue to rent a month. Catch the eye is not true; banks do not pay a lot each month. You can do it better; you can also put the insurance works, so you should factor in to sleep at night. Now, when you have the knowledge on caring for your money in the stock market, you can place ... All the best!
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