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BSE: Bombay Stock Exchange of India
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Market is place where exchange of goods and services takes place between buyer and seller, similarly stock exchange or Indian stock market is a market where stock transaction (goods or services) are exchange between two individual. Bombay stock exchange is one of the part of stock exchange market, it is established in the year 1875 and become the first stock exchange in the country to be recognized by government. It is the oldest stock exchange not only in the country but also in Asia’s.
Its role is significant in the development of the capital market. In the past it was known as association of person(AOP),but now it is demutualized and corporatised entity incorporated under the provision of the companies act 1956,pursuant to the BSE(corporatisation and demutualization)scheme,2005 notified by securities and exchange board of India(SEBI)
Around 3,500 Indian companies listed with the stock exchange, and has a significant trading volume
Exchange has a nation-wide reach with a presence in 417 cities and towns of India.
BSE have an exclusive facility for financial training
BSE provides an efficient and transparent market for trading in equity, debt instruments and derivatives.
BSE is managed professionally by board of directors: highly profesionals,representatives of trading member and managing director
BSE has online trading system known as BOLT
BSE has made arrangement for a toll-free numbers which makes it easier for customers to contact.
TOLL-FREE: 1600 22 6661
BSE recently created a history as its market capitalization crossed the $ 1000 billion mark
Bombay Stock Exchange sold a 5 percent stake to Singapore Stock Exchange for 1.89 billion India rupees, or $42.7 million, planning to capitalize on Singapore's position as a regional hub for derivatives and international listing
The Bombay Stock Exchange has successfully deployed Oracle software, giving the exchange a single integrated system that should help streamline its financial accounting and human resource management processes.
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