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How to know whether a share is listed or not
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A share has to be listed in the stock exchanges before being allotted to buy and sell in the open market to the investors and general public at large. Securities Exchanges Board of India (SEBI) has set certain rules, regulations and guidance regarding the shares listed in any stock exchanges across the country. An investor or a general public may verify for the internet by logging the website of the stock exchange where the company is listed or clicking the website of the SEBI. You should try to find out how to know whether a share is listed or not.
Get the right advice
There are times when you feel like investing in the stock market only because your friends have invested their money. You should never listen to your friends who are uneducated about the stock market. They might give you the wrong advice and at the end of the day they lose all their hard earned cash in the market. If you wish to invest your money in the stock market, then it is best to consult an experienced person who would be able to guide you to choose the right stocks. They are the one who would be able to give you share tips and also never allow your money go in waste.
Know the past performances
There are also online traders who can help you a lot in making your investments in the stock market. But it is very important that you know the history of these online traders. You should always look at the past records and then decide whether a particular online trader would be beneficial for you. This is important so that you do not remain tensed about your investments that you have made in the stock market. SEBI play’s a vital role in the issue of shares to be sold and buy in the open market. The exchanges have to abide the rules and regulations and norms. The exchanges, selling, buying have to be within the norms of the SEBI otherwise the transaction is said to be invalid. They also help in providing essential document or information to the investors at large. It protects the investors from the manipulation or misleading of shares or stocks. SEBI helps in educating the new investors regarding the shares. It teaches the good and bad effects. It also encourages us to invest in those areas where investors will earn a maximum profit.
Decide well before investing
You should have the idea when and how to invest in the stock market. You should first decide whether you would like to go for short term or long term investments. If you are looking for short term investments, then you should always look at the investments which would help you in making profits in the stock market. You should always try to get more information on stock market tips. When there is a split in stocks, it sends the message that the company has been profitable and it would continue to be so in the future. But it is very important that you make a proper research of the stock market if you are seriously looking for a good profit from the investments that you have made.
Thus, an investor especially a new investors must take precaution regarding the purchase of shares or shocks. He must see that the share is listed in the share market or stock exchange before he purchases the shares. He must take the initiative of finding the shares are listed or not himself. So you should always make good efforts in order to find out how to know whether a share is listed or not.
You should try to keep yourself very knowledgeable so that you can identify the best and the profitable stocks. You would feel glad that you have taken your best step forward in getting the ultimate stocks for you. You cannot afford to make any wrong decision as this would ruin you financially. The more research you make the more profitable position you would be able to enjoy. So get the best one for you and reap the maximum profit.
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