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Free stock tips for first time investors
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Free stock tips for the first time investor
Even Warren Buffet the multi-billionaire who built his riches from share trading will agree to the high risk involved in the securities trading business. An individual who is getting into securities trading for the first time should understand that the share market is an equally dangerous proposition as attractive as it is to earn income. There is a fine balance of risk and returns which can be fine tune only with experience and practical knowledge. No amount of theoretical knowledge and text book lessons will enable an individual to master stock trading. It requires a good deal of street smartness and hands on approach on financial management. The purpose of this article to is mention some free stock tips that will enable new investors to get a grasp of what they are getting into.
In stock trading patience is much more than a virtue. It is not possible to earn returns or get your capital appreciated in the first day. It takes time, the right decision to buy, sell or hold a security and speculation to keep your investments safe as well as to earn returns from them.
Practice before the real knock: There are umpteen number of stock market like websites that provide a mock stimulation of the actual trading process of a stock market. Rely on these sites to earn your experience without having to make a real investment in money. At the end of the game not only will you gain experience but will also have your money safe and ready for the real trade.
Trade with your brains: Always rely on logic and business parameters before selling or buying a stock. Apply business logic and check for the future prospects of the stock. The business in which it functions, its niche customer segment, profit margins, dividend policy, etc. all play a major role in picking up or dumping a stock.
Record and analyze: The Indian stock market is a place where analysis plays a huge role in everyday life. it is essential to keep a track of your trading transactions to know how much profits you have made and how much you lost over a period of time. Also, these recordings will help in understanding your portfolio better which will lead to weeding out non-performing or inert stocks.
All transactions do not lead to profits: In the Indian stock market you cannot continue to conduct trading without having to incur a loss. Being prudent and making the right swaps will ensure that your savings and investments are secured from major losses. Taking heed of free stock tips from experts will also help in gaining insights of stock trading that will help in averting losses in the future.
Remain flexible: It is wise and important to have a stock trading plan. However, when times change and new stocks with flourishing growth come into scene it is worthwhile to revisit your initial financial plans and redraw them according to the new situation. Such revisions will ensure that you are able to take maximum benefit of the stock market dynamism.
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