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Are you greedy while trading?
Know why not to get greedy while trading in Share market!!!

Why not to be greedy in the stock market?
When you think of investing some part of your income in the stock market, you should know the risks that are present in the market. There is no guarantee whether you would get the best profits or would have to incur a huge loss in the market by investing in the stock market. You need to make the best research in order to get hold of the profitable stocks for you. If you commit a small mistake in the market then you would have to lose all your cash in the market. There are many investors that you can come across that seeks guidance from their friends when investing in the market. In this case you should know that this is the biggest mistake that they commit. This is because their friends might try to mislead them where to invest in the market. You have to be very practical and knowledgeable about the different stocks that are present in the market. But it is important to know why not to be greedy in the stock market. You cannot become rich overnight and so it takes some time to understand the market well. This is the reason why you should always try to put your best foot forward in getting the right stocks for you in the market.
Never be impatient in the market
You should never try to become impatient in the market as this would not help you to get the best stocks for you. You also need to decide whether you should go for long term or short term investment in the market. If you are looking forward to your short term then you can invest in day trading where trading is done in a single day. But when you feel like investing in this type of trading you should always make sure to get good knowledge of the amount of risks that are present in this type of trading. Getting the right time to invest in the market is also very important because by doing so you can know when should you invest in the market and the stocks that you need to avoid. If you have some doubts on the stock market then you should try your best to get it cleared as soon as possible so that you can remain safe in the market. You have to read the daily newspaper where you can get to know the latest updates of the market. You can also watch business news and get the best idea of the functioning of the different stocks.
Get genuine website for your online investment
You can also make good research online. In this case you have to make sure that the website you have visited provides you with the latest updates of the market. This is because there are many websites that gives outdated information of the market and this makes you to invest in the wrong or non profitable stocks in the market. You can also invest in the online stock market where you can buy and sell different stocks online without having to worry about going out in the scorching heat of the sun. This in turns helps in saving a lot of your money and time in the market. There are times when you find that you have lost all your money in the market but in this case you should not let your confidence go low. Instead you should try to research more and get hold of the best stocks the next time you invest in the market. There are some investors who try to put all their money in the market without thinking of the consequences that they have to face in the course of time. This should be avoided and you should also try to avoid making any prediction in the market as you should have a clear idea that nobody can predict the market. So you would never know whether you would be able to get the best profits or even incur a huge loss of your money investing in the stocks. Thus you should know why not to be greedy in the stock market.
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