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What is intraday timing in the stock market?
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As of current date that is 16 Oct, 2022 trading time are as following;
- NSE/BSE- 9.15 am to 3.30 pm, Day trading square off from 3.10-3.15 pm
- MCX – 9.00 am to 11.30 pm, Day trading square off from 11.15-11.20 pm
Please note auto square off time may vary from broker to broker
When you want to invest in the stock market, you need to be quite aware of the different concepts that are present in the market. You need to be sure that you get the ultimate stocks that would provide you with the best profit. You should also try to know what is intraday timing in the stock market? Intraday generally means to buy as well as sell financial instruments on the same trading day. So the investors who participate in this type of trading are known as active traders. You should know the role and functions of the different stock options, put options and so on. This would help you in getting a better understanding of the market as a whole.
Buying and selling shares
If you are a novice investor and you do not have much idea about the market then you need not panic. You can get much information on the Internet about how and when to invest in stocks, how to start an online investment, about the different trading options related to stock trading and so on. All these information are available on the Internet where you can also get share tips of the market. The biggest advantage of investing online is that everything becomes accessible online, right from buying to selling of stocks to the stock brokers. There are online brokers who guide you about the market scenario, they also advice you and keeps you updated with the market trends. There are stock traders who have got experienced in the stock market and they invest after knowing everything about the volatile nature of the market and earning huge profits from their investment they make.
Speculator and investor
Let us see some difference between the speculator and an investor. Well, in case of the speculator, he gives least care about the inherent value of the stock. He or she will only think whether the price will go up and also whether there would be more speculators to accumulate the stock. In case of the investigator, he will look whether there would be a difference in the logical value of a particular stock and whether it would get affected by the ongoing business, the economy, the industry and the like. Investment goals should be the main motive behind your investments in the stock market. You should also try to make a good determination on which stocks you should invest in the market and the stocks that would fit your portfolio. It is always better to construct an asset allocation for your entire investment portfolio. You can also go for day trading which is good if you make your mind in investing in short term investment.
Get the perfect key to success
You should be able to make a good research of the different stocks so that you can come to know which stocks would be profitable for you and would satisfy your requirements. If you are not sure where to invest then it is important to have some patience and take some of your time to understand the market. You can never afford to invest in a stock that would make you go bankrupt. So you have to keep your eyes open and make a very good study of the different stocks that are available in the market. You can too have a look at the past performances of the different stocks. You can also read magazines and e-books where you can get much idea about the stock market. You would be able to know the sensex if you manage to get all the updates of the share market.
So always try your best to get as much information on the latest updates of the stock market. You should also try to know what is intraday timing in the stock market so that you can get rid off all your doubts that you might have on your mind. Always understand that you need to face the risks that are associated in the stock market and you need to tackle it. So the decision that you take should be the best one to get the ultimate profit.
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