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Which stocks would give me the maximum returns from minimum investment?
Investors are one of the most important components of the finance world. Without the investors the finance as well as the investment world is hardly of any importance or use. Again the investors here are dependent on the stock market for the investments as well as for the knowledge about the various investment options. This is the reason why many a times we face a number of queries as to which stocks would give me the maximum returns from minimum investment? The impact of finance in the present day on the entire world is noteworthy and as such it is essential that it impact is properly studied as well as analyzed. It is already a well known fact that in the present day the finance scenario has taken the whole world by a storm; so much so that in the present day there are hardly any person who is not aware of the term finance. However, the main catch here lies in the fact as to what exactly finance is all about. In other words, before we go further into discussing about the various components of the financial world and the investment world, the role that each of these components play and how these components are interdependent of each other it is essential that we at first define and explain as to what finance is all about.
About the term finance
There are various ways in which the term finance can be defined and each of the definition of the term finance is very accurate as well as exhaustive. Finance can very simply be said to be the availability of funds or in other words, the availability of cash at the time it is required by a person, company or any other types of institution. However, it is to be noted here though finance refers to the availability of money at the time it is required it however does not mean the same thing. In other words, the term finance and money do not mean the same thing and there is vast difference between the two. Many points of differences can be cited with reference to the two terms finance and money. Although similar in meaning, the two terms however do not mean the same thing. In fact a number of differences can be cited between the two terms. In addition, it is also worth mentioning here that the definition of the term finance is not just very apt and accurate but at the same time is also a complete and exhaustive definition. The definition clearly distinguishes the term finance from any other term including the term money.
Money and finance
Finance is the availability of money at the time is needed whereas money is the medium of exchange. Finance in the present day, as we all know, happens to be one of the most widely discussed and talked about topic. As such it is essential that we clearly depict the points of differences between the two terms money and finance. This is because many a time it has been found that people usually have a wrong notion that the two words mean the same thing and as such they always seem to be using both the terms interchangeably. Nevertheless, it is always to be remembered that the terms finance and money are only similar to each other and as such the two terms cannot be used synonymously to each other. The role of stock investors in the world is of much importance and as such, its role in the financial structure cannot be overlooked. Now that the meaning of the term finance has been explained, the various components of the financial worlds as well as the investment worlds been mentioned and various the differences between the two terms finance and money been cited, we can now move ahead and discuss about the role of investors and how they are dependent on the stock market. In other words, we will not be entirely wrong in saying that the two, stock market and the investors are inter dependent on one another. As such we will now be able to give a valid answer as to which stocks would give me the maximum returns from minimum investment?
By Saam Patel
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