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Sharetipsinfo Complaints

List of major issues faced by stock market traders in India


List of doubts and complaints of Stock Market traders

Here on this exclusive page we will mention all the common complaints and issues of stock traders dealing in Indian share market. Below mention complaints are the one which keeps on bothering them so here is the list of Sharetipsinfo complaints. It will be highly useful for stock market traders to go through it.


Complaint 1:
I was paid member of ABC Company, and I have booked loss of Rs. 1.0 Lakh with them, So how come I believe you?
Well, we are not what they are. We don’t know what they provided you and how accurate they were. What we know is that with us you will get minimum 85% accuracy and complete follow up of each and every call with timely support.
Our aim is simple- To make you earn profit!!!!

Complaint 2:
You told me that I will earn 20 thousand in a day but my profit is Rs. 15000 today. Why?
Profit is a profit and it’s always better to earn something rather than nothing. We generally deliver what we say but sometime due to market conditions amount may vary but for sure at the end of the month your average profit will be around the amount what we have told you in the beginning.
We deliver what we say and we can deliver that is why we say!!!!

Complaint 3:
Why Stoploss got triggered today?
Well, we claim 85% minimum accuracy. So we do have 15% margin for error so it’s just a bad day when our stoploss got triggered. Remember no one can provide 100% in stock market, if someone claims so they are lying for sure.

Complaint 4:
I am in loss, but you are showing profit why?
You might be not following our mentioned levels properly. We want you to trade exactly as per our levels if you are following our levels properly and still our result and your ultimate profit varies then it’s a matter of concern but it will never happen if you are trading as per our instructions.

Complaint 5:
I can see few complaints against your company on the complaint sites so how can I believe you and join you?
Wow its sound so good. We are gaining more and more popularity day by day. To be honest most of these complaint sites are worthless and are simply spammed by competitors to kill completion.  Anyone can go and post negative things anyone to downgrade others reputation. These are simply negative tactics by our competitors.  We deliver what we say and we are confident for it that is why we offer 2 days free trial so that stock traders can actually evaluate our stock tips and can have real time experience with us.

Complaint 6:
You may have manipulated your past result how can I trust it?
We never post wrong result on our site. We have thousands of visitors on our site who visit our site daily on regular basis to get useful stock market information and stock market tips from us. We simply can’t cheat them by post wrong results. Plus we have thousands of paid members who keep on checking our results regularly, So if posting wrong can we escape them? No we can’t. We post what we deliver and that is why we offer 2 days free trial so that you can actually evaluate our accuracy, services and genuineness.

Complaint 7:
I want to earn money from stock market and then why you are saying that you may book loss on any bad given day?
No one is perfect in share market nor can anyone provide 100% results. Some time for sure losses will be there which make us 85% accurate at lower side but still profit margin will be quite high on monthly basis.  If you want to avoid major losses then simply trade with proper levels and do trade with strict stoploss. Keep your emotions away and be practical with your stock trading.

Complaint 8:
What is the guarantee that you will take money from me and will provide services to me?
With things becoming quite easily available many so called analyst have opened up sites yes only sites no office no landline phones nothing. They are cheating people and daily on an average we use to entertain 5-6 calls of clients who got cheated here and there like they have taken money after that not providing any tips and not even entertaining there calls and the best one is once money is deposited mobile is permanently switched off.
Above is the case of fake groups or individuals. We are serving clients from 2005 end, can check complete past result on our past result page plus our office addresses are mentioned on our contact us page along with our landline numbers.
Again we are here for serious long term work we are not here for short term gains. You are most welcome to visit our office anytime during working hours. We will be more than happy to serve you.

Complaint 9:
I am from South India you are from North India, I even don’t know if you have office or not? What is the guarantee that you are not fake?
Very true, We are dealing virtually and for sure no one will come from say kerala to check if we really exist  and have staff or not? But you can cross check everything right from there. Just visit our contact us page and find out all the contact numbers and landline numbers. Just call and check it. We are a professional group and meet all legal compliances. We are even ISO certified company.

Complaint 10:
Once I pay the money will there be anyone to attend me and solve my questions?
With us you don’t have to worry about support. Once you join us, you will get dedicated Relationship Manager to handle your queries and concerns. We believe in true support and after sales services. We can go to any extend to support you because for us customer (you) is the king and we simply agree, customer is always right.

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