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How can you start investing in share market trading?
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Before investing money in share market, a person has to know about the condition of the market. There may be a thousand of question in a person’s mind about the meaning of share market, bulls & bears, which exchange have the reputed companies , how to invest, how to get information about the performance of the company & the likes. All the questions will be answered in the following paragraphs in this article. You would also get to know how can you start investing in share market trading. Share market is basically a secondary market where the investors buy and sell shares. It is a place where stocks and shares are bought and sold. The place where share are bought and sold is known as stock exchanges.
About the share market
Share market is sometimes also known as stock market or bulls and bears. Bulls because it is the speculator who has gambled on a rise in the prices of stocks and shares and he or she is called a "bull" and is said to have a "bullish outlook". Bear’s because it is the speculator who speculates hoping for a fall in prices when he can buy back stock which he sold at higher prices and he or she is called a "bear" and said to have a "bearish outlook".
There are 23 exchanges in India but 2 exchanges are most used for transaction of shares:
- Bombay Stock Exchanges (BSE)
- National Stock Exchanges (NSE)
Bombay Stock Exchange
Bombay Stock Exchange was established in 1875. In 2002 the name “The Stock Exchange, Mumbai”, changed to Bombay Stock Exchange. Subsequently on 19th Aug the exchange turned into a corporate entity from an Association of Persons (AOP) and renamed as Bombay Stock Exchange Limited. Bombay Stock Exchange introduced securities trading in India, replaced its open outcry system of trading in 1995 with the totally automated trading through the BSE Online Trading (BOLT) system. BOLT network was expanded nationwide in 1997. 30 companies listed in Bombay Stock Exchange Index.
National Stock Exchange (NSE)
National Stock Exchange was established by Government of India and incorporated in Nov 1992 as a tax paying company on its recognition as a stock exchange under the Securities Contract Regulation Act 1956. In April 1993, National Stock Exchange commenced operation in the Wholesale Debt Market (WDM) segment in June 1994. Capital market (Equity) segment commenced operation in November 1994 and operation in derivatives segment in June 2000. Following years we saw Internet Trading, Exchange Traded Fund (ETF), Stock Derivatives and the first Volatility Index – India VIX in April 2003. In August 2008 there was the introduction of Currency Derivatives in India with the launch of Currency Futures in USD INR. Interest Rate Futures was introduced for the first time in India by National Stock Exchange on 31st August 2009, exactly after one year of the launch of Currency Futures. 50 companies are listed in National Stock Exchange Index.
Investors are divided into 4 categories
Foreign Institutional Investment Investors (FII): FII refers to outside companies investing in the financial market of India. FII must register with the Securities and Exchange Board of India to participate in the market.
Institutional Investment Investors: A non-bank person or organization that trades securities in large enough share quantities or dollar amounts that they qualify for preferential treatment and lower commissions.
High Net-worth Individual Investors: A classification used by the financial services industry to denote an individual or a family with high net worth. Although there is no precise definition of how rich somebody must be to fit into this category, high net worth is generally quoted in terms of liquid assets over a certain figure. The exact amount differs by financial institution and region.
Retail Investors Individual investors who buy and sell securities for their personal account, and not for another company or organization. Also known as an "individual investor" or "small investor.”
More over one must look at the market condition very carefully before taking investment decision. We must try to get the exact information of the various stocks so that we can get the exact and the best knowledge where to invest one’s money. Daily news on stocks from news channels, newspaper helps us in getting the right information about the prices of the shares of the companies. So you have come to know how can you start investing in share market trading?
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