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Which stocks to choose and which stocks to avoid

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Stock market investing should be done in a very proper way. If you are unable to make a good research, you would end up losing all your money. Making the right decision and at the right time would help you in making more profits. There are some stock trading companies that customize the charts in order to suit the needs of their clients. This helps the investor to focus better on the relevant stocks. So, invest wisely and carefully so that you do not have to lose your hard earned cash. Now when we say bulls and bears in the market, we mean the buyers and sellers. Now you have understood, haven’t you? Well, when we talk about a bull or bear stock market, it means we are talking about the driving force behind the market. So, when we talk about bulls, we mean the buyers which make the seller the ‘bears.’ You should be able to know which stocks to choose and which stocks to avoid. Investors go for NSE in order to make some capital gain. It was in the 1990s that the longest running bull market was seen. It was the most memorable one. It was that time when it showed the fastest growth in the U.S. and other global markets.
It is said that it is more comfortable to trade in a bull market and you can make lots of money than trading in a bear market. It is not so difficult to make profits in a bull market but it is very important that you know some tips to find profits in trading during bearish market.

Transaction is processed immediately
Investors go for a market order because they find many advantages. The most important advantage that an investor gets in a market order is that the transaction is processed immediately. So you do not have to worry whether your stocks would hit a particular price. But every coin has two ends. So it cannot be said that a market order does not have any disadvantages. The most important drawback in a market order is that you cannot control the price that you are willing to pay for the stock. You might not realize the exact price that you expect whether you are buying or selling off your shares.

Know about the charts
When it comes to type of charts, there are bar charts, line charts, point and figure charts and also candlestick charts which are considered to be popular methods for exhibiting the price data using charts. Regarding bar stock charts, in order to form the price plot for each period, there are high, low, and close. The top and bottom of the vertical bar shows the high and low. Each bar represents the high, low and close on ach particular day when you trade in the market. Line chart stocks are used in the stock market when you do not find open, high, and low data points. On the other hand, point and figure charts depend upon the movement of the stock price. Lastly, candlestick stock charts are based on the open price of the market. It originated in Japan about 300 years back. During the recent years, candlestick stock charts have become very popular. People find it much easier to understand information displayed in graphic format rather than numerical data. You can get share tips when you browse through the Internet.

Make sure that you invest in the right stocks
There are some people who do not like to make any research before investing in the stocks. This is a very serious matter and you should not try to invest all your money without any proper research. If possible you should try to have a look at the daily business news or even read stock market books where you can gain much good idea about the share market. So you should always try to know which stocks to choose and which stocks to avoid. This would help you in gaining maximum profits from your investment in the market. You would be glad that you have invested in profitable shares in the market.

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